So the Green Tart has been cooked and eaten. I can report back that it was quite amazing. The pastry was buttery and flaky and the filling really quite clever - you're basically stuffing your face with all these healthy green herbs and therefore are allowed to feel virtuous, despite the fact they're sitting in a greedy eggy creamy mix.
I'm baking the Caramel Salties later for consumption tomorrow, so will report back, again...
...The Caramel Salties for the seal of approval from Nephlet Numero Uno, who pronounced them "yummy and chewy and lovely and chewy. And the dentist says I shouldn't eat chewy things which makes me like them even more."
His mother wasn't so keen on the salty aspect.
He also gave a Bacon and Egg Tart (made with bought pastry) a 10 out of 10, a grade he doesn't give out lightly, which his mother says she hasn't been awarded for a very long time.
Then I slaved over the Lemon Polenta Cake twice, because the first one fell apart and I knew AC wouldn't be accepting no crappy fall aparty sub standard birthday cake. My tips:
Grease the top and bottom, and perhaps the sides too, of your baking parchment WELL.
I could only find a revolting-looking block of cooked polenta in the supermarket, so I grated this into the mix.
Cook long and slow. Don't worry if the top of the cake is looking burnt, as - obviously - this will turn out to be the bottom of the cake. Put some foil or a baking sheet over it if you're gettin worried it is turning to a cindery crisp.
Going to cook some of these things with my cute old daddio tomorrow and write about it, so will post that then.
Which will add up to far too many posts about this one book. Whatevs.
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